If you have an unplanned pregnancy, its important to know all your options from pregnancy, adoption and evidence. We provide evidence-based advice and pre and post abortion counselling. All our counselling sessions are free, confidential and conducted by qualified and experienced counsellors
Contact Dr Ricky at +27795616398 or info@abortionsclinic.co.za for abortion counseling by a team of experienced and qualified professionals who will help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health. We will provide comprehensive information about all available options.
If you make an informed decision to end your pregnancy our consellors will explain to you the various abortion procedures available to you based on your gestation and medical history. We want you to make the decision that’s right for you. Our post abortion counselling will help you discover effective coping strategies
Making a decision on an unplanned pregnancy can be complex, and women may find a lot of factors impacting on their decision in different ways.
Our pre-abortion counselling is to help you understand and comes to terms with the full implications of the various options you have when faced with an unplanned pregnancy
Counselling after an abortion procedure provides a safe space to talk through the different emotions you may be feeling. The decision to end a pregnancy is rarely easy
Some of the issues discussed during post abortion counseling include the physical and emotional recovery, and contraceptive options available to you
If you are pregnant you have three basic choices: become a parent, place the baby for adoption or end the pregnancy. Each decision has implications which our consellors will provide
Millions of people face unplanned pregnancies every year, and about 4 out of 10 of them decide to get an abortion. 1 in 4 women have an abortion by the time they’re 45 years old.